Hot Girl Summer officially begins TOMORROW. Here’s a post about how to channel your inner golf baddie (aka golf bunny/golf babe/golf queen/golf [insert adjective/noun/expletive of your choice])
A little advice I received that has helped me remain engaged in the game: Whether you are an avid golfer or just starting to discover this emotionally brutal game, it is important to make it an empowering and fulfilling experience. Four hours allocated to a round of golf is a long time to do something that can seriously mentally and physically beats you up.
When in doubt, channel your inner “Golf Baddie.” The premise is rooted in youth slang, for those like me who can’t keep up with all of the new phrases for things on top of the actual definitions and the secondary dictionary Colin and I have. It, in theory, goes beyond unforgiving golf attire, bronzer, post-putt knee kicks, and Crest White Strips and into confidence, self-care, and embracing the sheer joy of the game. Here are five simple ways I’ve transformed my golf experience into a meaningful journey of self-discovery and into being kinder to myself.
1. Positive Swing Thoughts
Before I even swing a club, I try to remind myself that I am my greatest competitor and a beautiful princess human. Golf is a game of focus and resilience that will beat you up with force beyond any levy I build in the form of mental fortitude and affirmations. I know my potential on all fronts rests in nurturing a mindset that allows for growth and cultivates self-belief. This is a struggle for me, big time! Think positive affirmations, visualize my success, and when setbacks arise, view them as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than failures.
What Works for Me: Practice mindfulness or meditation to help improve focus and mental clarity. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer short meditation exercises that can be done before you start your round.
2. Finding Joy
Find what you truly love about golf and lean into it. Maybe it’s the thrill of perfecting your swing, the joy of spending time outdoors, or the camaraderie amongst your golfing buddies. Channeling your inner Golf Baddie isn’t about being the best player, it’s about being your best self while playing.
What Works for Me: Keeping a golf journal. I keep it brief and answer the same three questions: Documenting my experiences seems to help pinpoint what I love about the sport and for sure boost overall enjoyment.
3. Embrace Fitness & Health
Physical fitness not only improves your golfing performance but also boosts your hot girl confidence and wellbeing (which is the same as that of any human). Incorporate exercises that improve flexibility, strength, and endurance. But remember, it’s not about chasing an “ideal” physique; it’s about out driving your spouse & golf besties. 😉
What Works for Me: Enhancing flexibility and stability through yoga and waving at all dogs I encounter throughout my side quests each day. Strength training, especially focusing on core strength, can also significantly benefit your golf swing, or so “they” say. I’m always looking for new golf exercises to stay engaged, if you have anything to share!
4. Cultivate Confidence
Believe in your capabilities, Boo. Golf is a game where the tiniest doubt can translate into an an awful doom-ey spiral. I try with my whole soul to remember that confidence comes with practice, of course, but also with an acceptance of my current skills and a desire to improve.
What Works for Me: Practice self-affirmation and being nice to myself for once is at the center of mental resilience in golf. I find it helpful to stand tall before each shot and say nice things to myself, whether I believe them wholeheartedly or not. I just say nice things. With time, I’ve noticed pre-ACL injury, that the affirmations trickle down into my gameplay, improving performance and resilience. Again, I don’t always believe the nice things I say about myself, but that’s not the point.
5. Indulge in Self-Care
Golf is a demanding sport, and like any other, it can be wildly draining. Anyone who contradicts this statement, is not your friend. Prioritizing self-care to prevent burnout as a golfer and in all other areas of my life has been a game changer, but also the most challenging feat I’ve ever taken on. This can be as simple as staying hydrated on the course, protecting my skin from the sun, or granting myself permission to relax after a long game.
What Works for Me: Developing a post-round decompression routine. This is almost exclusively showering and snuggling with the pup. In theory, one could consider a yoga session, massage, or even just a quiet hour spent reading in the sunshine but that’s not really my jam after using my whole brain on a game I don’t make any money playing.
To wrap up, being a Golf Baddie is about more than just golf. It’s a state of mind that promotes self-confidence, self-care, and personal growth. More than ever, I am aware that each round of golf is a chance to learn something new about the game, and more importantly, about myself. Super grateful for this game!
Cheers to being our best-self on and off the green!